Embracing the sometimes
Sometimes, I wish loving weren’t so painful
That giving wasn’t so exhausting
That just living and being wasn’t so complicated.
But what would life be if loving were painless and giving was effortless and living and being was simply simple?
Well, I guess we would forget how deep love is. And how sacrificial giving is. And how beautiful complexity can be.

If we forget these things, we forget the core of what they represent, what they exist to demonstrate to us. We forget that the most beautiful side of life is found in it’s most difficult seasons. In it’s most difficult lessons. In it’s most difficult realities.
When we accept the difficult, we embrace the beautiful.
It’s hard for me to accept. But every day I perceive a little more of how true this is. And I pray for the bravery to step into the difficult unknown just a little more, so that I can experience a more perfect joy, and a most beautiful reality.
Joyfully yours,