For the breaking & breakable heart...
Friend, if you are human, you know that relationships hurt.

Even the potential for a relationship hurts. That uncertain space where you so desperately long for clarity and yet, you fear it.
You fear rejection. Or failure. Or a change of heart. Maybe everything makes sense but nothing does at the same time. You doubt the timing, the reality, the hints, and the nuances. The compatibility remains in question, the desire unrelenting. The crushed hopes and endless waiting. Nothing seems definite, and you begin to wonder, after feeling pain time after time for so long if love is really yours to give. Because sometimes, it feels like you can't afford to risk giving it anymore.
Friend, it hurts. It really, really hurts. I know that because I've lived it one too many times. And every time I find myself being plunged back into it again, all that goes through my mind is - why me?
Maybe, just maybe, I should rephrase the question.
Why not me - why not you?
As a songwriter once said - 'If you don't want your heart to be broken, don't give it to anyone." But you've been made for love. It's wired into your heart of hearts, you are made to give and you are made to receive - to receive from the absolute best. You are worthy of it, and just because you don't see it given doesn't mean you aren't worthy; rather, the love that is worthy of you hasn't come around yet.
Sometimes, I feel that my heart is too fragile, too breakable. And yet, there's something beautiful about a breakable heart. Because a heart that feels beyond measure gives beyond measure, knows beyond understanding, cares beyond boundaries. And it's in that uncertain space that we begin to realize just how beautiful our hearts really are. How dynamic they are. How resilient and forgiving they are. How being breakable means you are unshakable because you face the pain and the fear; you open your heart to potential and pick up from the pieces of heartbreak. A breakable heart is an unstoppable heart. And one day, that same heart will reap the benefits of its brave openness, when someone comes and sees just how stunningly compelling that heart really is. Because breakable hearts know how to love completely and wholeheartedly when given the opportunity to be for others what they so desperately want for themselves.
...being breakable means you are unshakable because you face the pain and the fear; you open your heart to potential and pick up from the pieces of heartbreak. A breakable heart is an unstoppable heart.
Oh, how scary it is. But how much more freeing it can be. How freeing it is to know that our pain has a purpose. Our fears have meaning. And our insecurities can be worked through while serving as reassuring reminders that we haven't hardened our hearts to the beauty that is on the way.
Oh, and here are the last words of that song I quoted - "Come on outside where you belong / I know you’re scared, but you are strong / You’re made for love / Not for the dark / Nobody wants an unbreakable heart."*
Joyfully yours,