Step away
Step away, darling.

Take a step back and forget the little things that seem like monsters. The tests, the exams, the never-ending quizzes. The nagging feelings and mishaps. The unexpectedly low grade. The dirty dishes or the silly and annoying parades of never-ending checklists that turn into guilt lists. Set it aside. Step away.
Because sometimes, when you take a second to step back from the little-big things, they cease to be all-consuming ones. When you step back, the responsibilities are kept in check, put in their place. They don't rule your life. And all of a sudden, you can think straight and tackle the little-big things because they are no longer tackling you. They no longer swallow you whole or punch holes into your fragile little heart, screaming that your fears are real and you really can't ever be enough to fight. They can no longer whisper that you weren't enough in the first place.
Imagine a world without insecurity. Where you and your problems are in the ring and they tackle tackle tackle until you do something no one expects- you step away from their grasp. And all of a sudden, you can breathe again. You can take a breath so deep that it sustains and energizes you to muster up the strength to fight and tackle again. Then, dearest, you can win again.
And all of a sudden, you can think straight and tackle the little-big things because they are no longer tackling you. They can no longer whisper that you weren't enough in the first place.
But first, you have to give yourself the space and accept the grace needed to step away for that breath of fresh air. Stepping away isn't weak. It's calling on that strength that can only be imparted when we recognize that we are more than the things we do and the situations that threaten to swallow us and our time daily. The strength that exists when we see that the monsters are only shadows and the big things aren't so big anymore - because we've grown. We've changed. And we've put them in perspective; we've seen the bigger picture - we've stepped away.
Will you? Will you step into the literal outdoors and take your breather? Or maybe you are called to step out of your comfort zone and into a more fulfilling space. Whatever you step away from and step into, let it transform your perspective and give you agency over this overwhelming life that we live. And maybe, just maybe, you’ll find your new life to be a little less burdensome and a lot more joyful.
Joyfully yours,