When you're faced with yourself
Recently, I’ve been coming to terms with just how complicated and messy life can be.

As a result, I’ve come face to face with just how selfish I can be, how insecure I am, how fearful I am of the future, and how much I need assurance and grounding. And friends, it hurts.
It hurts to think you’re making progress, that you are figuring life out for once and may just be catching on to what these moments spent on earth mean in the grand scheme of things. And then to have that hope of ultimate breakthrough snatched away - because there’s always something or someone else lurking in the shadows, waiting to take it away.
But what we forget is that maybe, just maybe, the real purpose of life is found in the moments of snatching.
Because who are we to ever think that we’ve ‘made it’ or figured out the secrets of the universe? That’s not our job. That’s not our purpose. That’s not what was intended for us.
Rather, we were created to grow. Created to stretch. Adaptability is built into the fiber of our beings, and it’s in growing that we allow ourselves to step into beautiful unknowns. It’s in facing the hard things that we find out more about what love is. Because even in our brokenness, His strength, His goodness, His plans, and His love are perfect and steadfast. They never fail. And as we begin to see what it means to be loved and sustained regardless of whether or not we have things ‘figured out,’ we begin to appreciate what each season shows us.
...the real purpose of life is found in the moments of snatching.
We weather the disappointments and see them turn into blessings. We take little steps and achieve little breakthroughs that remind us that life may never lend easy answers, but the answer unfolds along the way. We can begin to discover the answer when we accept the grace required to not need to know it all and walk in the purpose set before us. And as we face the hard things, we’ll look back and see that really, we were equipped to tackle them all along. We just had to try.
I’ll leave you with a question - will I try? Will you try?
Joyfully yours,